Sunday, September 12, 2010

What makes a film great?

There have been many great movies over the years but there is a question that has yet to be answered. That question is what makes a movie great? I am sure that the Hollywood producers and actors already have a good idea on what makes the movies the release good and what makes them bad. The public however, besides the reporters and critics, have either not stumbled upon the answer or have not put any thought into much like myself. I have never left a movie theater after a good movie and asked myself, “Why was that movie so good? What about that movie made me want to watch it?” Was it the actors, the special effects, the plot or was it something else. Well now I have been forced to sit down and actually think about all the great movies I have seen and the ones that I have heard about and find an answer to this question.
                After some long and tough pondering I have come up with a couple of things that I believe make the difference between a great movie and a bad one. First off when I think great movies I think special effects. When I leave a theater and talk about the movie with my friends the following day the scenes that first pop into my head are the ones with the huge explosions, scary monsters and amazing light shows. This is a result of my generation. I was lucky enough to be born into the era of technology where every explosion is bigger than the last and each day graphics and special effects somehow improves upon itself.  Movies didn’t always have special effects like this so that is why movies like Star Wars were and still are so successful; they were at one point top of the line special effects which drew in crowds and are remembered for their special effects for their time.
                It is true that special effects play a big role but there have been many great movies with either poor special effects or none at all. For example, Jaws. This movie almost didn’t happen because they could not get there mechanical shark to work properly. The special effects in this movie were borderline terrible but somehow this move is still one of the greatest thrillers of all time. The main reason for this is the cinematography. Because the shark was not working the editor of Jaws had to edit scenes so that you only saw flashes of a fin or teeth. This actually improved the movie by increase the suspense and the scariness of the film. I cannot imagine this movie without the superb editing.
                Lastly the originality of movies makes them great. Star Wars and Jaws are truly great movies but the plot at its heart is relatively simple and predictable. However the movie series The Godfather is truly the first mob film of its kind. Every mob movie since The Godfather is strikingly similar. This originality makes this movie great. This is why movies like The Godfather and others with the same originality that I cannot think of off the top of my head are so great.
                My word count is now well over 500 so to save Mr. Jewett some time I will now cut my blog short. Those are my three main thoughts on why some movies are just good and why some are fantastic.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Star Wars Review

Star Wars Review

                Star Wars is a great movie for several reasons. The first is that for its time the special effects were amazing especially with the budget that George Lucas had to work with. The explosions, sound effects and models were amazing and that is a huge part of why Star Wars was successful when it came out. Effects like that had never been seen before.
                Another reason why Star Wars was so successful and is still a major hit is because of the originality of the movie. It is true that it is a movie where the hero wins in the end but the level on which the plot took place and the in depth story line provided not only from the movie but also the books makes it much deeper than just another hero persevering in the end. Star Wars’ ability to capture the audience and make them feel like part of the saga is, in my opinion, like no other movie. Star Wars has been able to withstand the test of time and is still a American household classic with the help of mass merchandising and multiple books as well as sequels and prequels to the movie.